Saturday 29 October 2011

Diastisis (Abdominal seperation) after pregnancy,

Hi Guys!
I wanted to explain about Diastisis and its effects. Many women don't know about it and because of this can't fix it. The good news is there is always a way to make things better and I have been testing different treatments so I can tell you how they go. Hooray!

Diastasis Recti Abdominus
Diastasis Recti Abdominus or DRA is the seperation of the rectus abdominus muscles into left and right halves.The rectus abdominus muscles are basically your "six pack" muscles.
The rectus abdominus are joined together by the linea alba which is made mostly from connective tissue. It's the line you see down the middle of your abs. DRA occurs when the linea alba is damaged and the abs seperate like a zipper. True DRA is when there is no connective tissue between the rectus abdominus anymore, they have split apart and you can see the uterus or intestines bulging through.Watch this, its crazy!
Most women will get a small split during pregnancy which can be treated with exercise. However if the split is too bad surgery (a tummy tuck) is needed.

The common effects of Diastisis Recti are
  • compromised pelvic floor muscles,
  • urinary and fecal incontinance,
  • pelvic organ prolapse,
  • lower back, hip and pelvic pain,
  • baby belly that stays after pregnancy, and
  • lowers athletic performance and strength.
A 2008 study by Meredy Parker, et al, demonstrated that women with a DRA tend to have a higher degree of abdominal or pelvic region pain. A Diastisis means less support for your spine and hips. This instability can lead to low back, sacro-iliac (hip) joint pain and pelvic pain. The presence of DRA also alters the function and insertion of the transversus abdominis and external oblique muscles( ab muscles).
  This alteration in biomechanics and insertion can lead to abdominal trigger points. Trigger points are common causes of urinary urgency, urinary frequency and pelvic pain

DRA has a profound effect on the function of the pelvic floor muscles. The abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor muscles work together. When DRA is present, there is less support for the pelvic organs, the pelvic floor muscles are compromised and therefore contract less effectively. Why don't they tell pregnant women this!!!! Compromised pelvic floor leads to lead to urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

DRA is also a cosmetic condition- it causes the post pregnancy paunch and your waist will never be as small if your abs are split apart. If you don't fix this it will be hard to get your pre-pregnancy body back. It will compromise your athletic performance as well.

Oh my god!!You can see why I keep banging on about making sure I have repaired my Diastisis before I start to exercise. The effect are serious and I will regret it rush back into training.
Guys can get Diastisis too! Weird!
How Do I Check For Diastisis?

1) Lie on your back with your knees bent.
2) Exhale and slightly lift your upper back off of the floor. Check how many fingers you are able to insert horizontally two inches above the umbilicus(belly button), at the umbilicus and two inches below the umbilicus.
3) A DRA of one-to-two fingers is considered normal. A separation wider than 2 fingers requires correction.
 Just remember your DRA will feel a lot bigger straight after pregnancy so give yourself a break and some time to heal( 4 -8 weeks).

How do I treat a Diastisis Recti Abdominus

Ok so I am going to do a whole new post about this tomorrow but if you can go and see your physio ( not doctor!)they will check out how bad it is and give you some exercises to start with. I will be telling you what I have been trying and what has worked best. It is important to know that even if you had your babies 10 years ago you can still have Diastisis. The good news is you can always improve this condition with a bit of work. Yippee! Also the exercises will help anyone with a pot belly :)

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if your still blogging or not... I randomly found your blog... And wanted to say that I gave birth to a little Abigail on the 23rd of August 11, exactly 3 weeks before you had your Abigail!
    I've been pretty lucky to have bounced back into shape quite quickly, but I'll have to have a read over your blog at sometime.
