Saturday 24 September 2011

My Plans: (babywilling)

Well.... this is going to be harder than I thought! Today is the sixth day I have tried to start this! Looking after a baby takes a LOT of time!!!

Today is day 11 of motherhood and I am tired and a bit overwhelmed :) Its all good though, I'll just take it one day, dirty nappy and hysterical crying fit at a time. I have watched my belly grow huge over the last 9 months and its going to be a big job to get back to where I was before, hehe. Thank goodness I am a trainer! I know what to do.
So I will attack my baby belly from 3 sides:
  1. Diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Massage
So first things first, my stats:

Before Pregnancy
Date: 21st November 2010
Weight: 52.5kg
Waist: 72cm
Exercise: At this time I was training up for the CrossFit Regionals so had a huge training load i.e. 8-10 sessions a week consisting of strength, carido and metabolic conditioning.
Diet: Strict Zone (see the Zone Diet, you balance your calories from carbs, proteins and fats for every snack and meal to ensure peak athletic performance) and I was limiting bread, grains, processed foods and sugars.
Massage: I was body brushing (will talk more about this later), getting regular lymphatic drainage, and soft tissue massages.

2 days before labour!
During Pregnancy
Date: 11th September 2011
Weight: 66.7kg
Weight Gain: 14.5 kg ( I am only 4'11 so this is a lot! I was 27% heavier)
Waist: 111cm
Exercise: At first I was still training to a degree, but after 6 months I had to stop doing weights so that Abigail could turn (she was breech for a while). In the last trimester I was just doing swimming, walking, a bit of boxing and pilates.
I was working as a trainer till week 37 which meant 6am starts (aaargh) and finishing between 6 or 8pm. I was too tired to do much. During my breaks I would sleep if I could. Basically I decided I would deal with it all after the baby was born.
Diet: What diet? hehe. Well I ate whatever I liked mixed in with a lot of fruit, vegies, nuts, protein. No alcohol, minimal caffeine.
Massage: I just got a soft tissue massage every now and then and a bit of body brushing.

Date: 13 September 2011
Weight: 62.6kg
Baby Weight Loss: 4.6kg
Waist: 104cm 

Day 2
Exercise: Well I am taking it really freaking easy and letting my body heal. I try and get a fast walk in everyday for my mental and physical health :) I bought a splint belt to help bring my abs together and am trying to do 2 sets of tummy holds and pelvic floor exercises a day. I will talk more about these exercises later but they are extremely important to rebuild a strong core and make you waist smaller. What a lot of people do is rush back into strenuous exercise before their abs have had a chance to heal. This is what causes you to have the pregnancy paunch, especially if you don't learn how to activate the transverse abdominus again. We all know the importance of the pelvic floor too! Gotto look after that, you'll miss it when its gone :) Most importantly I'm giving myself a break and learning to be a mum without putting too much pressure on myself. 
Diet: Anyone who has been in hospital knows the food consists of carbs, carbs and carbs. Bread, cereal, sugary drinks, rice, pasta etc. So after 5 days of that I had lost no more weight. When I got home I cut bread out and increased my protein. The carbs I am getting are from fruit and vegetables. This made a big difference and I felt a lot better. Also I lost another 4 kg in two days! Again I am nowhere near as strict as I was before pregnancy. No one told me how HUNGRY you get when you breastfeed! So I still sneak a treat every now and then but will talk more about diet later on too.
Massage: self massage and body brushing.

Date: 24 September 2011 (day 11)
Weight: 58.9kg
Waist: 84cms
Exercise: hmmmmm Abigail was a bit mental today and I did not get my walk. I have done 2 sets of ab holds with splint on though.
Day 9
  • 1 filter Coffee - I'm giving up all caffeine tomorrow just in case its making Abigail restless.
  • Breakfast - 1 cup natural yoghurt with natural pea protein powder mixed through. Fruit salad and a few cashews.
  • Morning tea - decaf cap.
  • Lunch - Kangaroo rissoles with greek salad and raw cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon tea - 4 crackers with cheese. 
  • Dinner - Scotch fillet steak, greek salad and asparagus.
  • Junk - 1 biscuit, 1 boiled lolly, 1 red frog. Did I mention I was starving?
Things to improve would be no processed sugar, get rid of caffeine, more water, use rice crackers instead of wheat (better no crackers at all). I'll get there though.

The vain part of me really did not want to put up these photos!
The blue tape is from my physio, not an accessory!

I'm already seeing a big difference but my tummy still has a long way to go.What I learn will hopefully help other people too. Yay!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a great idea Liz I believe you will identify with a lot of women who struggle with balancing motherhood with looking after themselves. I love that you are being real and showing your struggles, temptations and triumphs it's inspiring. I look forward to learning lots from your blog especially how to strengthen my abs after carrying twins (two years on and i still don't have the same strength as before)!

  3. Rock on Liz! Blog looks great. I know lots of women who have just had bubs or about to that will find this blog very inspirational and hopefully motivational :)

  4. You're an inspiration Liz! And so generous to share your journey with others.

  5. Thank you for this blog, I'm due in Novemeber so I look forward to learning a lot from your experience.
